Dietician and Nutritionist

Dietician and Nutritionist

Find Your Way to a Healthier Lifestyle with Our Dieticians and Nutritionists

Do you have any digestive problems or would you like to maintain a balanced diet? Do you have a medical condition that demands a strict and healthy diet? Instead of gathering and applying YouTube suggestions, getting in touch with one of our dietician and nutritionist will be the viable option. However, one of the main questions our clients ask is what a nutritionist does in the first consultation. It will change depending on the reason for your medical appointment, and at Atomic Wellness Centre, we will explain the most common procedures performed by these specialists.

How Does Our Dietician and Nutritionist Work?

A nutritionist/dietician is that medical staff in charge of carrying out nutritional evaluations and diet therapy adapted to the different situations, problems or pathologies of a patient. Its function is intended both for the maintenance of a balanced diet, as well as for the therapy and cure of syndromes. Knowing what a nutritionist does in the first consultation will depend on the reasons why the person has decided to go for treatment.

In the event that you have some type of stomach pain or discomfort and want to know if you suffer from food intolerance to certain foods, our team of professionals makes this specialized service (Food Intolerance Service) available to you. If what you need is to carry out a medical treatment for weight loss and you want to know how a nutritionist works in this first consultation, you should know that in the first appointment they would assess whether you are suitable for this method.

What Questions Do Our Nutritionist and Dietician Ask You in the First Session?

These are some of the questions, which you will have to answer in the first consultation –

  • Have you ever been to a nutritionist?
  • Do you exercise regularly?
  • Do you like vegetables/vegetables?
  • You are motivated to start a diet.
  • Do you usually cook at home or go out to eat?
  • Do you have any kind of disease or intolerance?
  • What is the purpose of the treatment?
  • Are you committed to achieving your goals?

Once you know everything you need about what a nutritionist does in the first consultation, it is time to cheer up and take action. Check with our specialists all the benefits of accessing nutritional plans, intolerance tests or other benefits. Moreover besides dietician and nutritionist, if need naturopathy treatment, you can also avail it from our clinic. Feel free to contact us for more information.