Physiotherapy Help Asthma Patients to Live Freely
  • July 25, 2023

Physiotherapy Help Asthma Patients to Live Freely

According to research, approx. 3.8 million Canadians suffer from asthma, which is considered the top third chronic disease in Canada. There are a few ways to treat asthma in the long turn, but most have other side effects too. That’s why doctors nowadays recommend physiotherapy in Richmond, Hill, to improve the quality of their lives.

You may wonder how physiotherapy can treat asthma conditions. Most of us have indeed heard that physiotherapy treats physical pain and injuries. But how does it treat respiratory conditions like asthma? Let’s dive into this subject to improve your information with this therapeutic therapy.

First of All, What is Asthma?

Asthma is an obstructive pulmonary disease. In this condition, the patients experience very much trouble breathing because the bronchial airways become narrower and obstruct the reversible expiratory airflow. Due to this condition, the patients cannot continue all their physical activities, which decrease their quality of life.

Remember that asthma patients are also sensitive to tobacco smoke, pollen, pet dander, and dust. These days, many patients do physiotherapy to manage these symptoms and enjoy their lives fully.

Signs of Asthma

There is no single symptom of asthma condition. You may encounter various signs as time passes, including,

  1. You may sound whistling during breathing
  2. Experience difficulties during breathing
  3. Feel tightness in your chest
  4. Cough a lot
  5. Produce sputum because of hyperactivity and hypersensitivity in bronchial airways

How Does Physiotherapy Improve Asthma Condition?

There is no permanent cure for asthma, that’s for sure. But medication with physiotherapy in Richmond Hill can help you to manage the condition. Doing physiotherapy continuously can prevent further asthma attacks and maintain normal pulmonary function.

It also reduces the excessive sputum production to normalize the breathing pattern, strengthen the chest muscles, and control the symptoms at some point.

Popular Physiotherapy Treatments for Asthma Patients

Before starting physiotherapy, the specialist will verify a few factors in choosing the treatment course. Remember that family history, previous medication history, and diagnostic and physical assessment are essential in selecting the treatment plan.

The most popular physiotherapy treatments for asthma patients are,

Motion Exercise

When the patient needs to get hospitalized, this range of motion exercises should be done.

Breathing Retraining Exercise

Breathing treatment is mainly for improving mild and moderate asthma conditions. These breathing techniques help you increase the expiratory airflow and normalize the respiratory rate. Specific procedures are involved in this treatment, such as nasal breathing, controlled breathing, deep breathing and many more.

Removal of secretion

Removing secretion is another critical step to improving the asthma condition. Physiotherapy experts apply techniques like shaking, huffing, percussions, and vibrations to remove and normalize the secretion level. The patients must continue coughing and postural drainage techniques to evacuate the secretion through the central airways.


There comes a time when the patient suddenly experiences an asthma attack. To get relief from this condition quickly, the physiotherapy specialist will guide the patient to keep hands on the ground and the neck in forward flexion. This position will help the patient increase oxygenation and eliminate breathing difficulties.

Breathing Control Tricks

Physiotherapy experts mainly give importance to Buteyko breathing to reduce the asthma problem. In this technique, the patient must sit and breathe slowly. He or she has to slow breathing until the patient realizes that there is a small amount of air in the lung.

Now, they have to hold their breath for five seconds. This physiotherapy technique in Richmond Hill helps lower the lungs’ hyperventilation and normalize the carbon dioxide level.

Don’t Let Asthma Stop You!

Remember that the symptoms of asthma may vary from patient to patient. Patients can lower their asthma symptoms and improve their respiratory function with proper medication and physiotherapy.

If you are an asthma patient and want to live an everyday life like others, don’t waste your time. Please feel free to contact our physiotherapy experts at Atomic Wellness Centre in Richmond Hill.